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RubberZone: A Year-End Personal Message from Squirm
RubberZone: A Year-End Personal Message from Squirm

A Year-End Personal Message from Squirm

"Please Listen Closely"

Hello, Rubbermen –

This is a follow-up to the message I sent out in March. You won’t find much kink in this message, although there is a bit of news about the site. But if you’re just looking for some online rubber smut to spice up your New Year’s weekend, just skip this mailer and log right into RubberZone!

For those curious about what’s been happening and what’s coming up, please read on. (Warning, contains some real-life stuff.)

The Past:

For the past 6 years, my hubby and I have been caregivers to my parents. First my dad, and then my mom who moved in with us as she experienced terminal cancer. That, plus all of the issues related to the pandemic, prevented me from having many visitors and there were very few opportunities to produce new content for the site.

Still, much to my amazement and with my eternal gratitude, many of you stuck with us and continued to subscribe to the site and buy downloads from the store. Several of you helped produce content independently to provide something new to our subscribers. And there have also been many story submissions which, up until now, I haven’t even had time to read!

The Present:

To be brief and not too much of a downer, mom passed away peacefully at home in early September. We’ve been taking the time needed to deal with grieving and the usual bureaucracy that comes with the death of a close loved-one, as well as tending to our own mental health, and after many weeks, we are emerging into the next phase of our lives.

We are now looking toward the future. The hubby is actively in the job market, and I’m going all-in on getting back in gear and playing and producing new content for RubberZone. You’re already seeing the results with videos like “Storage & Maintenance”, and there’s another video coming soon which we’ve already filmed, the third installment in the “Gimp Recruit” trilogy. Kinky visitors and new productions are scheduled in January and February.

The Future:

I’m committed to a big push to have multiple new items published every month for RubberZone subscribers. This will be a “pull out all the stops” effort to recruit models and film creative latex-clad encounters, and see if a larger audience returns to RubberZone.

If we’ve chatted in the past about making some fun content, and our communications fell by the wayside, it was because of the chaos of the last 6 years, and I apologize for falling out of touch – please send another message if I’ve overlooked you. And if you’re planning on being in the US Pacific Northwest (we are in Portland, Oregon) for some reason, and would like to be in a production, please reach out!

That said, “pull out all the stops”, at this time, doesn’t equate to “open up that empty wallet” – we will have to build back gradually with what we have on-hand, and acquire new gear and return to paying talent as subscription revenue picks up. But we have plenty of gear and props on-hand to be quite creative.

Speaking of subscription revenue – at the start of the health crisis with my folks 6 years ago, I knew that maintaining the site at the level it should be would be difficult and that some things would suffer, so I cut subscription prices in half, and also refunded or added extra time for people who had recently purchased subscriptions. (Not screwing over our customers may be an unusual business model these days, but it has helped sustain the site by having a good reputation for over 26 years.)

If we are successful at putting out a higher volume of content, and maintaining subscriber growth, then subscription prices will go up again. (But only if there is the content and viewership to justify it.) So, if you’ve been on the fence about subscribing, please consider buying an annual subscription now, before prices go up.

Challenges Ahead:

In my previous letter I mentioned that our cloud service provider was requiring us to move off of our “legacy” server. This process has been partially completed – we are now on a server that fits with their newer paradigm, but the site software itself is still in need of major upgrades. The site rewrite is tentatively scheduled for this spring, with deployment in the summer. Some features may go away, some may be added, it is difficult to predict at this stage. I just want everyone to be aware that some tinkering will be going on, and at the end of it, we should have a more modern and friendly experience (especially on mobile).

In Conclusion:

I must reiterate THANK YOU to all who have supported us and stuck with us through the difficult times. As I said back in March, RubberZone persists because YOU have made it possible.

Happy New Year to all of you and cheers to a 2023 that’s brighter and better and full of shiny, stretchy goodness!

Yours in Rubber,

RubberZone - The Fusion of Men and Rubber - Get it On!

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Fri Mar 28, 2025 12:11pm PDT